Focus on the fragrance

The fragrance DNA of JMELLA originates from the French company ARGEVILLE, which is carefully formulated by perfumers to extract the scent memory of classic perfumes and integrate it into the shampoo products, so that you can immerse yourself in the romantic French fragrance

What is JMELLA?

Add a little romance to a dull day
Start your day with smell
Let the body wake up in the aroma
JMELLA provides you with a more pleasant fragrance treatment

Family Brand


    Body Wash Luxury Fragrance


    French Perfume Style Hair Shampoo


    Jmella In France Femme Fatale


    Hair Shampoo Gentle Hair Care


    Tailor Body Wash Moisturizing


    Perfume Hand Cream Moisturizing

  • Fragrance philosophy

    Smelling the beauty of life through smell is a memory that belongs to you alone

    Recreate the classic perfume, enjoy the beauty, love and romance will never be absent